How many times have you bought a product
and it just didn't do the job?
I know exactly how frustrating it can be! Wouldn't you like to have someone do the work for you? If so, this is how I can help.
Let me curate a Custom Beauty Survival Box for you! Exactly what is this?
Click the link above and it will take you to a hair quiz I've created to get to know exactly what issues you're facing and what products you need or would like.
Once I get the results, I will inform you of what my recommendations are and create a box to either have it shipped or do a porch drop off. If you don't think you need anything but know of someone who could really use a nice surprise, I can set that up for you! Not only will you get the items you need but there will be some extra special surprises in there too!! Detailed instructions will be enclosed.
If there is a particular product you have purchased from me in the past, let me know what that is and I will make sure you get what you need.
What do you think? Kinda cool, huh?